We wrapped up our unit on the Water Cycle with an educational and fun script that we read. The cast included these characters: the sun, ocean, water vapor, snowflake, glacier, stream, river, reservoir, tap water, water in a pipe, and even sewage water! The students had a great time impersonating, using various voices. Some of them took home their scripts to share with you, we hope you enjoy (and return them, too;-)!
We began our next Earth Science Unit: Erosion. We want to know how earth's crust, made of rock, can change in landform. We began with an experiment where we placed chalk and rocks in a closed jar. We shook for 1, then 3 minutes and observed changes to the chalk (it turned sandy, and had worn away!). We then switched the old chalk for new chalk and filled half the jar with water. We observed and after 1, then 3 minutes of shaking the jar, the water quickened the process. We noticed that some of the chalk disintegrated (big word! not melted...) in the water, and the rest of the chalky "sand" settled (deposited!) on the bottom of the jar.
Here are some pictures of our fun experiment:
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