Tuesday, January 25, 2011

MASBIA: Pictures from Chessed trip to an eat-free restaurant

We had a fascinating trip to Masbia, an "eat-free restaurant" (not called a soup kitchen!), which provides daily, wholesome meals to people/families in need. We were surprised to find that Masbia was set up like a restaurant! This is all to serve the needy with dignity.

We had many questions for the director: how many people they feed each day, if there are other Masbias in the area, who volunteers and why, etc.

We asked the volunteers why they were willing to work so hard preparing 500 (!) meals a day. They told us that they enjoy helping other people - it makes you feel great! One volunteer told us that she began helping at Masbia for a school project, and continued because it meant so much to her.

This pot of soup is HUGE! It makes 500 servings every day! We got a quick tour of the kitchen, and saw how so much food can be prepared for so many people in a clean and organized way. We watched helpers and delivery personnel move boxes of food out for delivery for the other Masbia restaurants. Maybe when we are a little older, we can come back to volunteer...what a great mitzva of kindness!

For more info about Masbia and for volunteering opportunities:
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