As we go our "World Tour" in Math, visiting countries in 5 regions across the globe, we measure air distance from our origin (for example, Washington DC) to our destination (for example, Cairo, Egypt)
We figured out a 12 inch Globe SCALE that can help us work out the amount of miles flown per each inch measured on the globe. A trip around the world is a distance of 25,000 miles. If so, we learned, then each inch on the globe represents approximately 660 miles.
So a trip to Cairo from D.C.
may be a distance of 9 inches on the globe, and therefor approximately 5,940 in air distance. The 4th graders truly enjoyed this activity and learned so much while doing the Math exercises! At the end of the exercises each student chose a destination of their choice. Ask your child what their destination was, and why:-)
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