Here are some points we discussed and you can review with your child:
- The closer in distance the object is, the greater the force of attraction
- There are two "poles" - the North seeking, and South seeking poles
- The earth is like a great big magnet, because it contains large amounts of iron
- A magnet has an invisible magnetic field surrounding it
- Two north "poles" will repel each other, as will two south "poles". Only a "north" and "south" will attract
- Not all metals will be attracted to magnets; only metals containing large amounts of iron, for example, steel (not aluminum foil, not nickles or pennies
- Magnets are key components for compasses - the "north seeking" pole will always point north
- Magnetite is a mineral that contains large amounts of iron (the greatest amount of naturally-occurring iron), and was used in compasses to help sailors find their way
Try it at home!